Diagnostic Kit for Quantificatiin of Hepatitis B Virus DNA


The Hepatitis B Virus DNA Fluorescence Probing (PCR) Kit (HBV Ultra) is an in vitro nucleic acid amplification test for the quantification of human HBV DNA in human serum. It is intended to be used as an aid in diagnosing an HBV infection and observing the effectiveness of the drug.


  • Advanced magnetic bead technology

HBV DNA detection and viral load measurement are essential for treatment decisions and patient follow-up. Sansure’s HBV Ultra uses advanced magnetic bead technology to extract HBV DNA from clinical plasma. Our technology achieved high sensitivity detection and a wide linear range to meet the needs of clinical diagnosis and monitoring.

  • Highly conservative primer-probe design

Sansure primers and probes are directed to select for the highly conservative HBV S gene, which can cover genotypes A-H and avoid missed detection.

  • High-Efficiency Quality Control System

HBV Ultra uses the UNG enzyme + dUTP system to remove accumulated contamination and prevent a false positive result.

  • HBV Ultra uses an internal control

HBV Ultra uses Internal Control as the full name to process the entire HBV extraction and amplification process to avoid false negative results.


  • Product Features: Parameter
  • Sample Type: Plasma
  • Extraction platform: Advanced magnetic bead technology
  • Genotype: HBV A-H genotype
  • Internal control: pseudovirus
  • PCR instrument: SLAN-96P, ABI7500, Roche cobas 480
  • Sensitivity: 5 IU/mL
  • Linear range: 20—2.0E+09 IU/mL
  • Specification: 48T
  • Qualification: CE

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